Part 2 - the costume storage

The Magical House

Part 2: the costume storage

Costume magic! At the top of the Opera building you find the costume department. The Royal Opera actually has more than 30 000 costumes! The costumes strongly contributes to the magic created on stage - they invite us to a world of magicians, bears and princesses - and all in between.

Together with our host, Sara, we try on some costumes and we get to know more about how to get the right costume on the right person! The Young Opera section has created the web series The Magical House for classes 1-3. There are more than 1000 rooms and 120 professions that we will discover together! This is the second episode of the series.

A big thank you to Astrid Ohlin who made this episode possible - to the memory of Jan Ohlin - and Wallenius.