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Back Home Our CEO on 2025

Dear audience,

The work on the Opera House’s future and our whereabouts during an evacuation period is in full swing. In parallel with this, our artistic activities are continuing apace. Our operations are neither coming to a halt nor slowing down; we’re pushing forward at full speed, and the building is a hive of art and creativity. We’ll not be vanishing during the renovation, but will be appearing on new stages, meeting new audiences and trying out exciting new formats for our art forms. But before temporarily closing our doors we’ll be making full use of our wonderful building to present a host of fantastic performances, so let’s enjoy this period together.

Spring 2025 kicks off with a completely new staging of one of the world’s best-loved operas: Le nozze di Figaro. This is the second of the trilogy of Figaro operas Linus Fellbom is directing for the Royal Swedish Opera. The first was Il barbiere di Siviglia, which was premiered last spring and is being revived this spring – and in the role of Susanna we’ll be seeing the young star soprano Johanna Wallroth, appearing for the first time on Operan’s main stage.

Next comes the premiere of the ballet McGregor/Ek, a double bill featuring the long-awaited return of the legendary choreographer Mats Ek, who has created a completely new work entitled A Cup of Coffee (En kopp kaffe). The stage design and costumes have been created by the much-loved artist Marie-Louise Ekman, the music is by Anders Hillborg and the dancers on stage include none other than our dear Nicolas Le Riche, artistic director of the Royal Swedish Ballet – now in his final season at Operan.

Young Opera is treating us to an updated version of Handel’s Julius Caesar, aimed 10- to 13-year-olds. The Short Stories concept is back, with three completely new operas in short format. We’re also presenting revivals of the operas La bohème and Die Walküre, as well as the ballets Giselle and Romeo and Juliet. And the whole season concludes with a grand concert conducted by our music director and Royal Court Kapellmeister Alan Gilbert.

Welcome to the spring at Operan!

Fredrik Lindgren

What do the artistic directors say about the upcoming season? 
Tobias Theorell, incoming artistic director opera »
Nicolas Le Riche, artistic director ballet »
Ellen Lamm, artistic director Young Opera, acting artistic director opera »
Alan Gilbert, music director »

Read more about the conductors at Opera this spring »