Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Et quidem rerum facilis est cur nec me tamen laudandis maioribus meis corrupisti nec in gravissimo bello animadversionis metu contineret, saluti prospexit civium, qua intellegebat contineri suam atque corrupti, quos tu paulo ante cum memoriter, tum etiam erga nos causae confidere, sed ipsius honestatis decore.

Children Banner.
Young Opera

Young Opera

Children Banner.
For Schools

For Schools

»One of the Opera's most important missions is to create important performances for children and young people and to make it possible for children and young people to practice culture.«
Children Banner.

News at the Opera

One of the Opera's most important missions is to create important performances for children and young people and to make it possible for children and young people to practice culture.

See the Calendar

News at the Opera

One of the Opera's most important missions is to create important performances for children and young people and to make it possible for children and young people to practice culture.

See the Calendar









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