
Employee representatives

Management team

  • 20211213 Fredrik Lindgrenwebb 3 4.

    Fredrik Lindgren


  • Maria Bratt 3415Webb 3 4.

    Maria Bratt

    CFO, vice president

  • ANNA Byströmwebb 3 4.

    Anna Byström

    Head of HR

  • Catarina Falkenhav18bwebb 3 4.

    Catarina Falkenhav

    Head of Communications and Marketing

  • Gesa Johannswebb 3 4.

    Gesa Johanns

    Head of Orchestra

  • 20211213 Ellen Lammwebb 3 4.

    Ellen Lamm

    Artistic director Young Opera

  • OPERAN 171009 Ct130735webb 3 4.

    Nicolas Le Riche

    Artistic Director Ballet

  • Helenasköldborg 131017 Ct0100webb 3 4.

    Helena Sköldborg

    Head of Legal

  • A person wearing a dark sweater stands against a black background. The face is partially in the dark, making it difficult to distinguish details.

    Tobias Theorell

    Artistic Director Opera

  • Timotej Åkerman.

    Timotej Åkerman

    Head of Technical Dept

  • HELENA Åsbergwebb 3 4.

    Helena Åsberg

    Head of Production

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