Dance | Event


Your opportunity to dance on the Opera's main stage

A large group of people dancing on a stage.
  • DATE:
    March 18
  • STAGE:
    Main stage
    approx. 1 hr/class

On March 18, we invite you yet again to the immensely popular Dance-along; dance classes on the Royal Swedish Opera's main stage with some of the dance world's leading characters. Try the basics of different styles!


On March 18, we invite you to Dance-along; dance classes on the Royal Swedish Opera's main stage with some of the dance world's leading characters. Try the basics of classical ballet, throw yourself into modern dance, try out the unique Gaga style, swing around in couples dancing or show off like in Vegas. No prior knowledge is required, the dance classes are for everyone!

There are three dance classes per evening, each class is about an hour long and you buy a ticket for each individual class separately, but you are of course welcome to attend several classes if you want. Afterwards, you can take a breather with a drink in the Golden Foyer where the bar is open for mingling!


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