
For donations of a minimum of SEK 150,000 towards the Royal Swedish Opera's development and cultural legacy.


For donations of a minimum of SEK 100,000 towards the Royal Swedish Opera's development and cultural legacy.


For donations of a minimum of SEK 50,000 towards the Royal Swedish Opera's development and cultural legacy.

As a patron, you become an important ambassador for the Royal Swedish Opera's activities. How your involvement and participation in the fund looks is tailored according to level, with for example:

  • Invitation to premiere mingle with artists and guests
  • Invitation to annual donation dinner and donation lunch
  • Invitation to events – galas, tours or visits behind the scenes
  • Possibility to pre-book and buy tickets before the regular ticket release
  • VIP card: cloakroom, performance program, access to VIP rooms
  • Visits with family or friends at the Opera are tailored to your wishes
  • Possibility to use the Royal Swedish Opera's premises by appointment and availability
  • Personal service and contact person (tickets and intermission refreshments)
  • Name on plaque in the main entrance, in the season programme and on (optional)
Cecilia Canemyr.


Do you want to know more? Contact us and we will tell you more about our work with philanthropy and partnerships and how we can find the best possible collaboration for you, your company or your foundation.

Cecilia Canemyr, [email protected]

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