Be part of the Royal Swedish Opera’s mission to deliver international standard performing arts

Our repertoire consists of traditional as well as innovative and pioneering works. Every season we introduce a diverse set of leading-edge works, and we strive to offer our visitors touching experiences. In order to be able to continue to deliver excellence within the arts, and in order to preserve and continuously develop our art forms, we need financing, inspiration and involvement. This includes new instruments for the Royal Swedish Orchestra, inviting international guest soloists and taking productions on tour in Sweden and beyond. It can also be about taking on board new innovative creations and perform the great classics.

With access to the right preconditions we can offer the best possible experience. You can contribute to making it as special as it can ever be.

Read more about our ongoing projects here:

  • Purchase of new instruments for the Royal Swedish Orchestra
  • The creation of concerts for children and young people
Cecilia Canemyr.


Do you want to know more? Contact us and we will tell you more about our work with philanthropy and partnerships and how we can find the best possible collaboration for you, your company or your foundation.

Cecilia Canemyr, [email protected]

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